Bo’s Bike

I’m proud to share with you Bo’s Bike, a book that speaks of sibling rivalry and how to overcome it.

I wrote Bo’s story almost three years ago, but personal obstacles, and challenges with previous partnerships, kept it from moving forward.

That is…until now.

Let me introduce you to the NEW vision for Bo’s Bike, born from a casual encounter with a talented artist at a small-town fair.

Nadine & Bo – By Kelly Latham

Meet Nadine, and her little brother Bo!

From Bo’s quirky little-kid gear you can guess what his absolute favorite, “bestest” activity is: riding his bike!

We are proud to present the finished – and released – “Bo’s Bike”

Buy it online or ask for it at major bookstores

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Kelly Latham is constantly curious, which leads to a lot of adventures, reading, and playing with mixed media as an art form. She uses a variety of art materials, but watercolor and ink are usually in the mix… and a handful or two of glitter. She is fond of lively color pallets, fun stories, and in-depth environments. In addition to creating, Kelly loves traveling, mismatched socks, and fuzzy blankets.

Who has ever dealt with a little brother or sister? This is a heartwarming tale of sibling conflict and love.
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