Live, work, dream, and tell stories.

Travel with kids in a COVID19 world

On June 2nd, 2020, France entered its second phase of deconfinement, which authorizes certain hotels and restaurants to open with limitations. Borders are still (generally speaking) closed and some museums and monuments are either preparing to reopen or opened with limitations (restricted number of visitors, use of mask, hand sanitizers everywhere, and interactive exhibits closed). Quick note, this is likely changing by June 15, when the country enters another stage of deconfinement, and I’m pretty sure they will be fully…

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Midnight ramblings on the inequalities of pandemics. Damn you, COVID19.

The world is being held hostage by a quasi-invisible being. The word on everyone’s lips and on every news outlet is COVID19, or the infamous Coronavirus that has caused a worldwide pandemic, infecting and killing thousands. While the death toll is alarming, the economic implications of a world put on hold is nothing short of apocalyptic. However, both these elements will have deeper effects in developing countries like Brazil. As a Brazilian and a historian, I can’t help but think…

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YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT – how the French relate to food.

Ha! I’ve been waiting for this post! I’m not a foodie, but I am a big fan of trying new things and eating good food. I learned it from my dad. He was an adventurous eater and traveler, and he taught me that you need to try everything at least once before you decide which way to go. Personally, I’m more of a try-ALMOST-everything-at-least-once kind of girl, and that’s what I pass on to my kids. With my three children…

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Le livre est sur la table.

How about packing your bags and moving your three kids to France, for seven months, in the middle of the school year? What if they didn’t speak French at all, and your French is still rusty? Well… we did just that. A TEMPORARY career opportunity presented itself to our family, and we took it. And so, the Brazilians who moved to the US and had kids, now moved, with said kids, to France. Et VOILA. So far, we’ve had hilarious,…

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My TOP 5 Multicultural Picture Books!

I am constantly searching for good children’s books on multicultural experiences, diversity, and tolerance. From my personal experiences raising three kids who are bilingual AND bicultural, I often feel that they need not only physical contact with other kids in similar situations, but also strong characters and role models that share a unique personal background. So…without further ado, these are my top faves when it comes to (current) PICTURE BOOKS (I’ll do one on chapter books later). Enjoy! Marney Monster’s…

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