Have you ever obsessed over a new toy? A toy you couldn’t go without, or a game you had to play over and over again until, one day, you moved on to the next? I have. I was ALL about My Little Pony. Not the current Japanese-style version with lean ponies struggling with pre-teen drama and angst.

Sassier, leaner…


I’m a product of the 80s, and I LOVED the rounder, sweeter, fight-this-impossible-evil original My Little Pony. That was MY thing.

The original!

As was Rainbow Brite, remember her?? I used to BE her. I got her rainbow boots for Christmas once and OH. My. GOODNESS. I didn’t take them off!


Anyway, this isn’t about nostalgia (I’m a nostalgia-junkie) but about a little boy and his obsession with his new red bike.

Meet Bo, from the upcoming picture book Bo’s Bike.

Bo is your regular little brother, just another little kid with his quirks. He has this perfectly imperfect older sister, Nadine, who loves him but, as most siblings do, is often annoyed at his antics.

I don’t want to give the story away, but that’s the premise of Bo’s Bike, a heartwarming story of sibling rivalry and love. A tale of how personal impulses often lead to regrettable moments, but also of how absolutely natural it is to feel jealousy, anger, and frustration. The story is about Nadine, and she represents every kid out there who once, just once, decided to take action against their younger sibling.

Bo’s Bike is scheduled to launch in November, 2019 (exact date, time, location tbd).

I hope that you and the children in your life will enjoy its story and colorful illustrations. It is fun, short, and honest, and I hope kids will obsess over it and read it over, and over, and over, and over…
