I’m VERY excited! And I get silly when I’m excited.

It’s no secret that I’ve hit a few rough patches the past couple of years. Heck, I’ve been very open about my grief, maybe too open.

But I’ll be darned if I won’t pop open a bottle of my favorite bubbly and celebrate some good news too!!

So, here it is… ready?

L.O.Martins is now the inaugural author of a new, hip, young, makes-me-excited indie press! Yes!

L.O. Martins was signed on by LARAMEE Publishing LLC!

They’ll also publish “Bo’s Bike” AND the first edition of the “MIGHTY Alba” series! I’m so excited I don’t know what to do with myself! Ha!

Share the news! LARAMEE Publishing LLC is a newbie like me, and newbies stick together.

It’s important to support indie authors AND indie publishers! Especially if we are to have greater diversity in this industry.

So, how about helping us all out? Sign up for L.O.Martins’ mailing list, share this page, and keep up with the exciting events planned for fall, 2019.

I am thrilled for this partnership!! What a journey! Hope to have you there with me every step of the way.

YAY! (Symbolic Celebratory Pose)